Thursday, September 27, 2012

Harvesting the Honey!

Tuesday we started  the process of harvesting honey from our bees. The first step was to bring the honey super into the garage. Then my dad uncapped the honey with a special knife. 

When my dad had uncapped 4 frames we put them in the extractor and started spinning it...

This is capped honey comb and below is uncapped comb.

 The first few drops are coming out! Yes!!!

The process of straining and jarring took more than a whole day to complete but it was worth it. 

 Here Samuel is trying some of the honey comb (it is a mixture of actual comb and some honey).

Here is our finishing product! We ended up with about 35-40 pounds ( which is a little over 3 gallons)! 

This was the first year for our bees and we only collected from the stronger colony.
Hopefully they can survive the winter and next year will be even better.
Thanks bees for you yummy work!!!! 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Yard work / Barn progress

This area (behind our house) use to be a glass junk yard. This past year we have been working pretty hard to get it cleaned up and safe. It is now in pretty good shape so yesterday my mom and I raked it a little bit and planted grass seed. In the future we are hoping to use it as a soccer field or badminton court.

More Barn pictures...

These two pictures show the electrical box that my dad newly installed.

This is the stairway to the basement of the barn.

This is the back wall.

These two are of my dad working on an overhang.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Homesteading Fair / Garden

Yesterday my dad and I went to the Homesteading Fair at Maple Ridge. We learned a lot of good information that we will use in the future.

While we were there my Mom and brothers harvested a ton of food from the garden... 


black and Calypso beans

tomatos, hot peppers, beets, onions, volunteer potatoes, and a rosemary plant

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Back to School

To all blog readers! I am so sorry I haven't posted for a while! The beginning of school has held me back from almost any free time! Talking of school I saw a poster in my Home and Careers class that had a little boy and girl on it with angry faces it said...

"The hardest thing to give...
 is IN"

I just thought that was really cool so I wanted to share it!

We're hoping to post more soon!
