Friday, July 24, 2015

What A Day! (by Jessie)

This is Denali.

If you don't remember which goat I am talking about, let me fill you in. Denali was one of the two female goats that we got to be the mothers to start our herd. 

Unfortunately we found out just last week that she was the host of a parasite. The Vet. was very optimistic about her, however Denali was worse off than we had thought. Saturday morning we found her dead. 

The morning was a messy confusion. There was crying, shopping at tractor supply, burying her body, and dealing with her kids. The kids are only a month old and still in need of milk! So, my mother and I took a trip to tractor supply this morning and bought some bottles and milk powder. 

The thing with bottle feeding is that it seems like a really fun activity; you hold the baby and it drinks from the bottle until it is empty. Right? Unfortunately that was not our experience. It went more like this...

One person grabs the goat and holds its flailing limbs. While a second person attempts to insert the nipple of the bottle into the goat's mouth. Most of the time it would take several attempts to get the goat to start sucking and even if the goat started to suck it would hardly last for a moment. All the while the goat is bleating! 

We are learning though and by today they have gotten so much better! Now, more about Denali...

Isn't it interesting how the things that annoyed us the most about someone are the things that make us break down in tears when they are gone? Denali was obnoxiously loud, a bully and a grain hog, but to remember her we sprinkled grain over her grave.

Denali was a good mother though! She gave us two sets of twins and nurtured them to the very end!
We love you Denali!

Denali with Matisse and Pablo.

Harper and Talkeetna (Tally for short), our little rascals!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Swamped (by Jessie)

  • overwhelmed with an access amount of something.
This has been the definition of our life for the past couple weeks.  Between Samuel's birthday, four concerts, parties, regents', Beaver Camp Auction, baby goats, and the end of the school year, we have been a little swamped!

June started off with Samuel's birthday.

He had two friends over, Marilla and Zane. In these pictures they are on a treasure hunt that Micaiah set up for them.

Then just last week..
Denali gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl! We have not decided on names yet, any suggestions? Sorry for the lack of pictures, but it is very hard to capture little goats that never stop moving! (photo credits to my father :)

Just some goats.
Very attractive picture of Matisse! 

Shenandoah do you have an itch?

This is a collection of photos I've taken in the last month on our farm, enjoy!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Spring Birthday! (by Jessie)

Yes! I believe it is finally spring! Light clothing, chickens roaming, bees exploring, and even some flowers beginning to show! This Saturday was Micaiah's 12th birthday! I can't believe he is that old! He is growing into such a handsome kind boy!

For his birthday he had Nevin Barker and Eli Watkins over. He was fortunate to have a beautiful sunny day, all day. We spent most of the day outside enjoying the sun and the warmth. Here are Eli, Nevin, and Micaiah posing with their bow and arrows.

Since we don't really have anything to keep from the chickens yet, we are letting them roam all over the yard.

It is so exciting to see bees at work!

A little bit of Samuel photography for the end!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Break? (by Jessie)

They told us it was spring break! I'm having a hard time believing that! With over a foot of snow on the ground and flurries almost every day it is hard to believe that spring will come! We are hopeful though and try not to complain (too much). We are not traveling (out of state) this week, however we are planning on Grammie (Papa's mom) coming to spend Easter with us! Hurray! 
Today I decided to go outside and take some pictures. I found some inspiration on the web and then started walking. It's interesting how a camera can make a dreary day look so fascinating and even beautiful! Taking pictures is a great reminder of beauty all around, all you have to do is look a little closer!
Here are a few of the best results...

Happy Spring! 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Goats, Eggs, and Snow for Sale! ( by Jessie)

Though it may seem a quiet time of year for Murmur Creek Farm there is actually quite a lot of planning and organizing to be done. Pablo (Denali's kid) is growing up and has been separated from his mother and sisters. Unfortunately he has to be sold. He is a very sweet quiet goat and we will be very sad to sell him. We will also need to sell Homer soon too. So if you need a male boer goat we have a selection! We are hoping that Shenandoah and Denali are pregnant again. They will be expecting in May or June.
      At this point in time we are getting about a dozen and a half eggs a day! Eggs are two dollars a dozen, and we are stocked! We are eating eggs for breakfast and dinner as much as we can but we can't keep up. Call or stop by we will provide you with eggs! This is a picture of the eggs being washed and dried!

      We also seem to have an abundance of  snow! We don't have as much as some places in New York have. However, we have over two feet and it seems to snow every day somehow without giving us any delays or cancelations! We are enjoying the snow whenever we get the chance by cross country skiing and sledding.
     My dad has started a new photography page so check it out to see what he is up to at