Sunday, May 18, 2014

Another Birth(ing) Day - (by Ken, Photos by Jessie)

 Yesterday (Saturday) was Denali's day to give birth and everything went perfect!  We were all home to witness the event (though Samuel who has been recovering from being sick was sleeping at the time - sorry Samuel).  Denali first gave birth to a buck then a few minutes later a doe.  Usually we've been quick to name our animals, but these two we haven't been able to agree on yet.  We've had a range of names:  Pablo, Matisse, Lewis, Bell, Harbor & Sackets, Jane, Austin, Keuka, You &Two (U2 -get it!), Wailin' & Jennies.... ok we are still thinking and likely far to much.

Denali caring for her new baby buck.

Shenny coming to see how they are doing...

The two new goats still wet, but the buck is already on his feet.  The unfortunate part, the buck for sure inherited Denali's loud mouth.  It was only minutes after being born and he was making more noise than Seneca has yet to make.  Oh Dear!  I was ready to give up goat farming.  How is it possible for one little thing to make so much noise!  

The two new ones seeking Denali to nurse.

 Micaiah with the buck

Jessie with the doe (Photo by Micaiah)

 Samuel with Seneca 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Seneca (by Jessie)

These are real life birth pictures. If you don't want to see EVERYTHING, scroll quickly to the bottom first! Today before my mom when to work she checked on the goats one last time, finding Shenandoah in labor! Half an hour later Shenandoah had given birth to her first baby, a girl (We were hoping for more for how fat she was, but we can't complain about a beautiful and healthy baby girl)! Both my mom and dad got to watch the birth, however my brothers and I were already at school. Below are pictures of the birth and our new baby, Seneca.  

Scroll to the bottom if you don't want to see birthing pictures!

 Legs first! 

 Denali comforts Shenandoah by nuzzling. 

Next comes the head!

 Seneca is not even fully out before Shenandoah starts to clean her off!

Homer, proud father watches as much as he can from his pen. 

Mom continues to clean off her new born.

Mother and daughter cuddle near the protection of the platform.

(The previous photos were all taken by my father, the next ones are by me)

Poor Denali the attention is not on her anymore! 

Standing up strong now with mom by her side.

Seneca nurses while Shenandoah waits patiently.

Here is a video of mother and daughter. Sorry about the bumpiness Denali insisted she nuzzle my hand while I take the video!

Did I mention we were hatching more chicks too?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

What Are they waiting for? (by Jessie)

Any Time now our goats Shenandoah and Denali should be giving birth! The past week we've been going out to the barn often with high expectations but every time we only find three goats. Below are some pictures of our pregnant goats!
Shenandoah peacefully laying in the hay.
Here you can really see Shenandoah's bulging belly. 

Denali was being very difficult about getting a picture taken so this is the best I got. We think she looks like a barrel with legs!

We will update our page as soon as the babies come!