Saturday, May 11, 2013

Bees, Bikes, Goats and more.... A Few Updates

Contrary to the above photo, We've actually been quite busy at Murmur Creek (except for the cat, that is usually how she looks).  We've been working on fencing, gardening, excavation work, bees....  Though the fence is not completed its enough that we are letting the goats out under supervision.  They enjoy being out and eating and eating and eating...   
Its great to watch them play and be able to run around.

Micaiah has been a big help on the fencing project this year.  Samuel in the foreground is usually finding something fun to do... not so much into the hard work yet.

Jessie and Rosetta talking about life while checking out the new fencing.  
I think Asher is wondering why he is on the wrong side!

We also have been busy with chickens.  We now have over 40 chickens in various stages.  Hopefully some more photos coming soon.  If all goes well, we may butcher some of the meat birds today, making some more room for our buffs.

Also Rosetta and I are officially in training for the MCC Finger Lakes Bike Ride.  This is a first for us (big bike ride of any sort) and we both found used road bikes on craigslist to make it possible.  Mine is in the above photo.  As you can see I have to many other projects going on as well.

Here is more info on the bike ride if you are interested:  
The ride is a fundraiser for Mennonite Central Committee's work in Haiti, so at some point we will be looking for sponsors.  Yea!  

Thanks for checking out our journey here at Murmur Creek Farm.
Have a Wonderful Day!

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