Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Busy Day at Murmur Creek

Yesterday we were all home together and it was a beautiful day, so we went about accomplishing many different projects, enjoying the day, having fun together, and adding two more animals to our barn.
My day started by trying to fixing the rototiller and getting it running again.  
I was quite amazed - it actually works now!  And we put it to use today tilling the old garden and expanding new garden space.  (I remember as a kid going to pick this BCS rototiller up with my Dad, so it's fun to see it running and gardening remembering Dad along the way)

Jessie and Ken getting ready to check on the bees.  
I decided to purchase a bee suit this year since I wanted to do some more work in the hives (funny - today was the first time I have been stung working on the bees).  Somehow our strong hive didn't survive (I think the queen died), so we added a new colony.  So far both hives are looking amazingly strong!  I'm excited about another year of our own honey and hopefully we will have more to share this year!

Always need to do some toad hunting and catching.

Rosetta working hard getting the garden ready to plant 
(She already tilled this herself while Jessie and I were checking the bees)

Micaiah cleaning the house screens with the spray hose.  
Once set up, he washed them all.  Yea, we can finally open windows without the bugs coming in!

Jessie, Mic, & Sam planting beans.

This was one of those amazing moments of the day.  
While Rosetta and I worked on the garden we had beautiful violin music streaming through the air.  Can life really be this amazing and beautiful!  Not only gardening but Violin music too; it must be a bit of heaven on earth.  (wonderful playing Jessie!)

Rosetta still planting, and once again I'm expanding our garden.  
The excavator is on the side to move a few of the bigger rocks and transplant some trees.

There was much more from the day that didn't make photos yet.  Lots of biking by Sam & Mic, some badminton playing, planting flowers, fence work by Jessie, Mic, and Me, and after supper we made a stop at Wishy's (ice-cream shop), then went and p/u two doe boer goats.  They are now safe in the barn.  Hopefully we will have more photos coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful to see and read! Thanks so much for sharing the happenings at Murmur Creek Farm!
