Monday, July 22, 2013

Sad Day at Murmur Creek Farm (by Ken)

We were all away for the weekend for our annual trip to PA to pick Blueberries with my Mom (and sister Kathy this year! - photos another day), and right before coming home we learned that our prized buck, Vivaldi, had died.  The short story: he managed to hang himself from some baler twine he pulled down through the floorboards above him.  It is hard not to get angry for not preventing this, a simple move of a bale or a board over a hole, but I didn’t quite see this scenario playing out.  Sadly it was when we were gone, and our neighbor found him.  This morning while Rosetta was at work we buried our Big Buck and cried together remembering how scared he was when he first came home in the back of our minivan, yet he became such a friendly buddy in the pasture (at times a bit to friendly).  

Well... Vivaldi - thanks for being part of Murmur Creek Farm
 We miss you already!

(Here are some photos of Vivaldi the Great)

(Vivaldi & Homer - who will get the best piece of grass)

 (Vivaldi & Homer)

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