Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Summer Update (by Jessie)

Wow! busy summer! Right after school ended the whole family took a two week trip to Alaska! It was so much fun! However the problem now is that sorting through all the pictures is a nightmare! So it might be awhile before we do an Alaska post. :( After Alaska I had a short week to catch up and then I went to a science camp at Clarkson University (also very fun). Immediately after that we all drove to Indiana to visit family. When we came home Micaiah and I went to Beaver camp for a week (awesome)! Now finally we are all home enjoying summer at home! 

Here is a little update on the farm!... I took pictures of the three kids from a previous post and updated them so you can see the growth! One thing we learned while taking these pictures was that goats get harder to take pictures with as they get older (as you can probably see from the pictures)!

Me with Matisse before,
and now!

Micaiah with Pablo,
and now!

Samuel and Seneca,
and now! I find it funny that both times they got photo bombed!

Now we will move on to the garden!

The lower half of the garden this year is flourishing (most likely because of the use of goat fertilizer!)! Here you can see our super tall corn! (It's seriously over 7 feet tall!)

I believe we have butternut squash, cucumbers and cantaloupe here.


This is a path... in-between tomatillos and tomatoes!  This isn't a totally updated picture however because my mom has supported the plants since then!

These tomatoes aren't ripe yet but when they are they will be a deep purple!


More plants!

Next we have the string beans! This year we planted purple string beans! They are so pretty and yummy!

This was our first picking.

And this was our second (half a bushel)!

Now we'll talk about inside...
Upstairs we are working on remodeling the bedrooms, in the end my brothers and I should all have our own rooms! Micaiah's future room has been painted already, so right now we are working on getting (my old room) Samuel's future room ready to paint! Photo credit all to Samuel!

Here I am chipping sheet rock mud off of the floor.

Here Micaiah is wiping down the walls.


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