Sunday, August 5, 2012

 I have just added the followers widget and I am hoping to get many followers!

Just after we posted that our bees were doing great they just had to swarm! But the swarm disappeared  within an hour, faster then we were able to get ready to collect them! But both of our hives still looked normal! 

A few days later (Friday) they swarmed again, but this time we were able to see which hive they came from and where they went to cluster. We found them nearby up high in a tree.

We decided to try to collect them so we got all of the stuff ready and Pa climbed the tree.

Micaiah and Samuel getting the hive boxes ready.

Pa cut the branch they were on and lowered it down with a rope. The bees didn't like this to much and started buzzing all around.

Next Pa climbed down from the tree so he could clip off the ends of  the branch and put what was left of the bees (on the branch) in the new hive that we had got ready.

We watched bees start to gather in the box. We were so excited we were going to have 3 bee hives instead of two!
Happy ending! 

 Until Pa checked the hive yesterday!...

Only a small cluster of bees reman in the hive!

Yesterday's work project:
Pa gets boards for the siding.

The photographers working feet.

Samuel cleans up the barn with the shop-vac.

Me the photographer!

Mom staining. 

Mom cleaning up.

Pa cutting siding boards and Micaiah doing something but I don't know what!

Our "mighty mouser" is getting ready for her barn job!

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