Tuesday, September 3, 2013

River Day (Ken)

(OK - It didn't happen at Murmur Creek - but close)

Every year someone tells me about the “water release” from some of the local dams/hydropower plants and how great fun it is watching all the kayakers running the rapids.  My typical response became more frustrated each year, because I forgot about it again and missed it again.  BUT this year someone mentioned it to me BEFORE the event, and after searching and calling and searching I found out not only the locations but also the the times of the release... and good news... one place is only about twelve miles away from our home, and another one less than twenty.  We went out as a family taking our leftover homemade pizza for our lunch, found a spot along the river and watched for hours as Kayakers blazed their way through the whitewater. 

Eventually we went home.  Then Mic and I went out to another location to watch another run until no more kayaks were coming down. 

An absolutely amazing beautiful day full of life in God's creation.

I think the worst part about the day...I kept thinking this sure is fun to watch, but I’d really like to learn to kayak like that.  Unfortunately a kayak is not in the budget... and likely not for awhile.  So for now, I'll just be a photographer and enjoy the day watching.

An interesting observation from the day:  Rosetta and I wondered where all these adventuresome people are coming from - I mean some of these folks looked quite serious - really into the kayak adventure world - strapped with gear and the flinty eye look of embracing life - yet full of smiles and laughter - and strange thing...they drove small cars...they must not be from around here.  

Yup... we were right... it seemed the majority were from Canada, with a few skattered about from other states and a couple folks from NY.  Then while driving home I noticed a line up of full size pickups and I thought - I bet they are from NY - yup! and no kayaks on those trucks...just people sitting around eating! What do those Canadians know something about smaller cars getting better fuel mileage or something?  What you don't need a TRUCK to haul a kayak?  I wonder what else they could teach us?

Check out the content look on this guys face as he goes over the falls.

What a wonderful day.

This is my favorite photo from the day.  
I like the strength of the two arms straight up 
while everything else is engulfed in swirling water.


1 comment:

  1. Great pictures and thoughts! I am very encouraged that we dont need a full size truck with a trailer to haul our future kayaks:)
