Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dozen! (by Jessie)

        Over our long weekend (Columbus Day weekend) our Stoltzfus grandparents were here to visit. During that time they helped my dad butcher thirteen roosters. Thanks for the help Grandma and Grandpa! We left three for the following reasons…
       #1-Basil is too pretty to see him killed (though my dad would have had no problem doing it).
       #2 My dad left two Buff Orpington roosters because he was not sure which one to keep.
       Since then Murmur Creek Farm has been a much more peaceful place and the hens have started to increase their laying. Today we collected 1 DOZEN eggs! Hurray! 

Our first dozen!

Basil, the pretty rooster… My dad calls him lucky, "If it was my say you'd be gone!" Basil is very loud and Papa finds it very annoying! To make it worse, while Pa was trying to catch the roosters Basil would just strut around Pa like he knew he wasn't getting butchered!

Some hens. 

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